Added economic value
At the TVO Group, shareholder value is created through customer-oriented and competitive operations. TVO is owned by five shareholders, through which the electricity generated by TVO serves the needs of Finnish industrial and energy companies, some of which are owned by a total of 131 Finnish municipalities.
The TVO Group works on a number of diverse projects, which also have a strong vitalizing effect on the surrounding society. The most significant projects include Finland's greatest single act for the climate, Olkiluoto 3. Now about 30% of Finland's electricity comes from Olkiluoto island, and Posiva's EKA project, which aims at starting the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in the 2020s.
TVO is an important nuclear sector research and development organization. R&D focus areas are related to nuclear safety, economic feasibility, and sustainable development. TVO has been generating electricity for Finnish society for more than forty years. Over the years, the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant units have been modernized in many ways, and their safety has also been improved.
One indication of TVO’s nuclear industry expertise is the load factors of the Olkiluoto power plant units, which have been very high even by international standards for a long time now. Ever since the early 1990s, the OL1 and OL2 load factors have ranged between 93 and 97 percent.