Safe operation
The safe operation of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant is based on high-grade plant technology, the principle of continuous improvement, nuclear professionalism i.e. competent and responsible personnel and independent internal and external oversight. In order to ensure safe operation, the level of safety is being systematically assessed at TVO.
TVO regularly assesses the state of overall safety in terms of production, nuclear safety, security and service life management as well as leadership, the organisation and personnel.
TVO assesses and develops the operation of its plant units regularly by utilising international safety indicators (collective radiation dose, unplanned energy unavailability and unplanned, automatic scrams/trips).
The basic principle for nuclear safety is that radioactive substances must not spread into the environment. In order to prevent any releases, the safety of the plant units is ensured by means of multiple diverse safety systems. Nuclear safety is improved by analysing risks and preparing for them. Ultimately, nuclear safety is founded on the valid and unchanging laws of physics.
TVO’s personnel are committed to a high level of safety culture i.e. nuclear professionalism. Nuclear professionals apply the STAR principle and Human Performance methods, HU for short. According to the STAR principle, you always Stop and Think before you Act. In the end, you Review whether the work met the expectations.
The purpose of the HU methods is to ensure the safe and disturbance-free operation of the nuclear facilities, stable electricity production and safe working by using different tools to prevent human errors.
The company encourages its employees to report deficiencies and maintains a low reporting threshold.