Responsibility at the TVO Group
The TVO Group's operations are based on defined principles and values. Ethically sustainable operating practices are promoted, and unethical operating practices and situations are challenged. In TVO’s vision, nuclear electricity commands a competitive price and holds a strong position in the production and investment palette of TVO’s electricity consumers.
The cornerstones of responsible leadership and operating practices are the Company values, on which the Group-level policies and the Code of Conduct are based. TVO's objective is to operate in a responsible, transparent, proactive manner, and to continuously improve operations. The Board of Directors approves the strategic objectives and operational guidelines of the Company, such as the Company values, Group-level policies, and the Code of Conduct.
TVO's objective is to operate in a responsible, transparent, proactive manner and to continuously improve operations.
The TVO Group complies with valid laws, regulatory guidelines, and principles of good governance in all its operations. Regulations by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) and requirements laid down in the nuclear power plant guides (YVL Guides) are also followed. Everybody working at the TVO Group is required to comply with legislation and regulatory guidelines and regulations, the principles of good governance, and the Group's voluntary commitments. Managerial and supervisory personnel have the task of initiating discussions about the Group's policies as well as the values and responsibilities on which they are based, and of controlling that laws and regulatory provisions are complied within the activities of each responsibility area.
A certified operational system guides day-to-day work. TVO's operational system meets the requirements of the following standards and procedures, among others:
- Quality management system ISO 9001:2015
- Environmental management system ISO 14001:2015
- Energy efficiency system ETJ+
- Occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001:2018
TVO is committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights and principles and rights at work, in particular the International Bill of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in addition to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the fundamental ILO Principles and Rights at Work.
TVO is committed to the UN Global Compact and adheres to its principles-based approach to responsible business. TVO is a participant of UN Global Compact Finland.
We are committed to promoting the following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our operations:

The set targets are based on the TVO Group's material sustainability aspects, which include:
- Safe, climate-friendly, and stable electricity production
- Responsible final disposal of spent fuel and exporting competence
- Transparent and ethical business
- Responsibility in the supply chains and partnerships
- Creation of added economic value
- The support and development of employees’ competence
- Healthy and equal work community
- Biodiversity and sustainable land use
- Minimising releases into the air, water, and soil
- Circular economy; energy and material efficiency