Radiation work
The Finnish Radiation Act and Radiation Decree set maximum radiation limits for persons who are exposed to radiation in their work. The effective dose to a radiation worker must not exceed 20 millisieverts (mSv) per year.
The radiation dose for a single year may not exceed 50 mSv. Employees working in the controlled area of a nuclear power plant are classified into radiation work categories A and B. Health monitoring based on the classification ensures that the health status of the employee allows the performance of the appointed tasks.
Category A includes radiation workers who work in facilities in which the annual radiation dose may rise to more than 6 mSv, and radiation workers who need to use heavy protective clothing (additional protective suit, respirator). Most of the employees belong to category B.
During pregnancy, a radiation worker’s work must be arranged so that the equivalent dose for the fetus remains as low as reasonably possible. The dose for the remaining pregnancy may not exceed 1 mSv. During pregnancy, an employee cannot assume the tasks of a category A worker.