TVO’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report can be found in the Annual Reports Portal


​ TVO is committed to maintaining and improving the responsibility of its operations through its corporate social responsibility policy and the responsibility program steering the implementation of the policy.

The goals of the responsibility program for 2015 support not only the strategic objectives of TVO, but also the aspects of responsibility revealed in the materiality matrix as important for stakeholders and the business. We chose improvement of safety culture, cost-efficient practices, and a high level of well-being at work as areas of development in our responsibility program.

“All our operations and design solutions are based on safety. Our approach to the development of safety covers both the technical safety culture and the safety culture of behavior and attitudes. Safety lies at the core of our responsibility program. In addition to implementing measures to increase owner value, we developed the occupational well-being of our personnel,” says Anna Lehtiranta, Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations.

TVO is known for its responsible operations

TVO carefully listens to all its stakeholder groups and actively engages in interaction with them. Feedback on TVO’s activities was received from surveys measuring the energy attitudes of our stakeholder groups, their trust in TVO, and the occupational satisfaction of our personnel. According to the stakeholder group survey, more and more people are supporting nuclear power for environmental reasons.

“The visibility of TVO’s operations has improved further, and the company has an excellent reputation among all its stakeholder groups. According to the respondents, TVO has also improved its performance with regard to responsibility and openness. Of the respondents, 93% thought that TVO is a responsible nuclear power company. In addition to responsibility, the company’s strengths were seen to include reliability, being Finnish, top-level quality and being environmentally friendly,” Lehtiranta says.

“The changes that we have gone through have also had an impact on our personnel and management. Taking into account the results of the personnel survey, we have launched measures to further develop our corporate and management culture and clarify the company’s strategy and operating culture.”

At the end of 2015, TVO received recognition from the European Commission for its environmental management system. We were one of the first Finnish companies to register our system in accordance with the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) decree concerning voluntary environmental systems.

“The recognition was given to companies that have continued to display strong commitment to environmental responsibility. TVO’s annually published environmental reports have been prepared according to the EMAS system since 2001, and the information contained in the report is based on a certified environmental management system,” Lehtiranta says.

In order to improve the transparency of our operations, we employ the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 and G4 Electric Utilities Sector Disclosures reporting guidelines for sustainable development, and our Code of Conduct complies with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Information on TVO’s responsibility activities is available in the company’s 15th Corporate Social Responsibility 2015 report, and on the environmental benefits and impact of electricity production in the Environmental Report, which form a close-knit entity with TVO’s other annually published reports.

The Corporate Social Responsibility 2015 report in the Annual Reports Portal: annual